Food For Thought: Intimacy

So my dad got me into the habit of opening the CNN site when I want to make sure my internet is working properly. This morning I was trying to open my internet and blackboard was being SUPER slow, so I tried CNN, and it worked! The point is (yes, there’s a point to this), I clicked a link that led me to the religion blog on the CNN site. I found a blog that said something I found really interesting:

Intimacy (in-to-me-see).

Intimacy is being seen.

You know in “Avatar” when Jake is in his human body during the war and Neytiri comes to him? He looks at her and says, “I see you,” and she responds, “I see you.” In that moment does your heart not melt? And why? Because in this moment you see true intimacy; they see each other, not just physically, but they see within each other. You see this mutual understanding between them, in their eyes, that says, “I see you. I see your flaws. I see your beauty. I see everything about you, and for all that I see, you are mine and I am yours no matter what happens.”

This is what we are all looking for! We desperately want someone to look at us, to look INTO us, and say, “You are beautiful. You  are broken. But I understand you, and I love you for all of it.”

The post I was reading was about looking for intimacy and ending up with sex, and the difference between the two. We give our hearts, we give our bodies, we give everything, when what we really want is intimacy. We want to be seen for all that we are, and we want to be loved for it.

Well, I read the wrong Psalm for today’s readings, since I’m blind and read 96 as 95, but that’s beside the point. Psalm 95:6 says, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.” One word stuck out to me: “Maker.” God made ME. He made ME exactly how He wanted, and He said, “you are My perfect creation.” He sees into me, and He says, “it is good.” Every little quirk, every little detail within me was made on purpose, just the way God knew would make me beautiful. And even after I fell, after I sinned and betrayed Him–even BEFORE that–He said, “I love you too much to let you go. I love you, and I see your beauty, and I see Me in you, and I will do WHATEVER it takes to be with you for the rest of eternity.” He sees into me, my flaws, my sins, my betrayals, my controllingness, my stubbornness, my lack of trust, but He also sees Himself in me, He sees my hurt, my scars, my heart, my beauty, my eagerness, my desire to be loved. He sees all this and all the things even I don’t see, and He says, “You are My perfect creation. You are My beloved, and I will DIE if it means I will be with you for the rest of eternity.”

Intimacy with others is not bad; God made Eve to be intimate with Adam. But how can we be fulfilled with the intimacy of others if we do not first fill ourselves with intimacy with the ultimate Love?

We all want to be seen, and we are. Someone is seeing into you RIGHT NOW. And He says, “Wow. I did good.”

Food For Thought!


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